Forge alternative. Host a Laravel website on any VPS with ease using dokku
For an introduction to dokku:
In Brief: dokku is an application to manage hosting websites easily on your own server. It does so by using docker. Automating the tasks of installing servers/databases, configuring various services, running, building, handling ssl etc.
General steps:
First install dokku on your server. Then create a dokku project on the server. Setup ssl, some options, environment variables for laravel.
Next we configure our laravel project
- PHPâs composer.json file. Dokku uses it to install PHP extensions
- add dokku configurations files in our laravel project.
Then we configure sqlite. Which is default database in laravel v11
Finally we have a workaround to deal with viteâs quirk.
Create dokku application
Run on your server.
!! Set the 2 variables below !!
APP_NAME="p2" ; DOMAIN="" ;
# Create the app
dokku apps:create "$APP_NAME"
# Set the domain
dokku domains:set "$APP_NAME" "$DOMAIN"
# Enable Let's Encrypt for SSL
dokku letsencrypt:enable "$APP_NAME"
# Setup Environment Variables
dokku config:set "$APP_NAME" APP_NAME="$APP_NAME" APP_ENV="production" APP_DEBUG="false"
Note: environment variables, to configure laravel are passed via dokku config:set KEY_NAME=value
. These are typically stored in .env file
Setup composer.json
Weâll need to explicitly tell dokku to install php extensions, like ext-pdo_sqlite.
Add php extensions to the `require` section in composer.json . Adjust your PHP version appropriately. Note the pdo_sqlite line for sqlite. Mariadb / postgres will require different extensions.
"require": {
"ext-ctype": "*",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-exif": "*",
"ext-fileinfo": "*",
"ext-gd": "*",
"ext-json": "*",
"ext-mbstring": "*",
"ext-pdo": "*",
"ext-openssl": "*",
"ext-tokenizer": "*",
"ext-xml": "*",
"ext-zip": "*",
"ext-pdo_sqlite": "*"
Now Run composer update
on local
Local dokku settings
We will add a few more files in your laravel app
file in root of laravel project
!!! Order is important !!
These instruct dokku to run commands like composer install
nodejs is used to run frontend vite/laravel_mix build commands. Its optional, but laravel uses @vite as a default. If you are not using vite, then of course you can exclude the nodejs build process.
Create Procfile
file in root of laravel project, to run migrations
release: php artisan migrate --force
web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/
Now push your project to the server. See the Intro article for instructions
Set APP_Key
This is an encryption used by laravel. There should be a better way of generating it. But I canât quite figure it out !
dokku run "$APP_NAME" php artisan key:generate --show
Copy the output - base64:Ng9mTA83j+Y7FZJSj22oSa6zw6r260Y9VRot01xG80U=
Then paste here
dokku config:set "$APP_NAME" APP_KEY="PASTE_HERE"
# dokku config:set "$APP_NAME" APP_KEY="base64:Ng9mTA83j+Y7FZJSj22oSa6zw6r260Y9VRot01xG80U="
Setup Database (sqlite)
Dokku runs in containers, which get destroyed everytime the website is deployed. Hence its important to keep database files outside the container. We do this by creating a directory on the server, then mounting it in the container. Thankfully dokku makes this easy !
# Create a directory for storage
dokku storage:ensure-directory "$APP_NAME"
# Mount it on app container
dokku storage:mount "$APP_NAME" "/var/lib/dokku/data/storage/$APP_NAME:/app/databasedir"
# Set environment variable for laravel
dokku config:set "$APP_NAME" DB_DATABASE=/app/databasedir/database.sqlite DB_CONNECTION=sqlite
PS: More settings are needed for sqlite as shown previously
Fix https error with vite
If you are using Vite, you may get https issues with css/js files. Why ?
Because your dokku app could be behind a âreverse proxyâ
Mixed Content: The page at âdomain.comâ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure âŠ
Normal: User -> Apache -> site
Dokku: User -> Nginx -> {sends request to} -> Docker_Container(has apache or nginx) -> site
Some headers sent by the user, are lost. Instead nginx manually sends headers to apache, but apache doesnât know who is sending those headers. The user could be naughty ! So we tell apache to trust some headers, as they are being sent by a known proxy.
Add a middleware to bootstrap/app.php
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {
$middleware->trustProxies(at: '*');
Ideally laravel should handle this automaticallyâŠ
dokku logs "$APP_NAME"
- Run
composer update
after modifying composer.json - Enable and set logs. They will log important errors !
# Set the environment variables to enable log.
# set LOG_LEVEL=info to see more entries. Check laravel docs for more.
dokku config:set "$APP_NAME" APP_DEBUG=true
# enter the docker container
docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep "$APP_NAME" | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}') bash
# watch logs
tail -f /app/storage/log/logging.txt
- Check if vite is being used.
- .buildpacks and Procfile file names are case-sensitive.
- Order of .buildpacks file
- Is sqlite being installed properly ? Check the
git push
log. It contains a lot of useful info
If log is empty. Then add some logging Log::debug('manual debug message');