
- self made 💻 😎

How to upload multiple files in laravel 11

The approach is to send an array from FE

  const formData = new FormData();
  formData.append('files[]', file, fileName);
  const response = await'/upload', formData, {
      headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'

Above the exact code will depend on what framework is being used. The key part is 'files[]' . Laravel/Php will now treat it as an array.

Backend, in laravel controller

class UploadController extends Controller
    public function store(Request $request)
        $files = $request->file('files');
        foreach ($files as $file) {      
            $fileName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
            $fileExtension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();

$files = $request->file('files'); is key.
Can also try $request->files and $request->all() for debugging.

Above lack validation

  1. we should validate the files request input
  2. validate the filename and extension.

The exact validation rules will depend on your application

dated December 2024